Let me start off by stating that I have not enjoyed the WWE product in the slightest since Summerslam. It has gone from the peak of greatness in July to bottom of the barrel booking. At every chance, WWE has screwed up on each and every story and character development has never been weaker. It really has been tough to get behind and I've honestly been embarrassed to associate myself with the product.
Either way, we are being presented with one of WWE's weaker PPV concepts, Hell in a Cell, only TWO weeks after their last PPV event. If that alone kills the buyrate, on top of the lackluster product, I will not be surprised in the slightest. Hell in a Cell has been a dead gimmick for years now and it needs to go, as it is no longer really over, especially in the PG Era. Anyways, I'm not really interested in this event and I have no reason really to be anticipating it. Nonetheless, I will present my predictions that will take place at the event, this Sunday. Feel free to leave your comments in the comment section.
Friday, September 30, 2011
WWE PPV Preview: Hell in a Cell
cm punk,
del rio,
hell in a cell,
john cena,
mark henry,
ppv preview,
sin cara,
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Exclusive Interview: Green Ant Discusses CHIKARA, King of Trios, Overcoming Injury, and More!
Being best known for their King of Trios Tournament, held yearly, CHIKARA is home to the best six man tag team action in the world today. One of the most promising groups and last year's champions, The Colony had seized their first victory of the tournament. Soldier Ant and Fire Ant were recently accompanied by, Green Ant, who replaced Worker Ant, who had to retire due to injury.
Green Ant is a very unique competitor in CHIKARA, who has a more technical style opposed to the high flying niche that CHIKARA is renown for. He brings an innovative style and has captured the hearts of all CHIKARA fans for his, "Resilient Rookie" persona. Battling the likes of Mike Quackenbush and Tursas, Ant has become an underdog in CHIKARA. I was recently able to catch up with Green Ant and discuss a variety of topics!
Rallo: First off, I'd like to thank you for the time to conduct this interview. I would like to start off simple by asking, what motivated you to be a part of the wrestling business? Who were major influences in your life in and outside of the ring that motivated you to carry on this profession? Had there been any particular wrestling styles or wrestlers you saw that inspired you to go forward with your moveset? Where did it all begin for you?
Green Ant is a very unique competitor in CHIKARA, who has a more technical style opposed to the high flying niche that CHIKARA is renown for. He brings an innovative style and has captured the hearts of all CHIKARA fans for his, "Resilient Rookie" persona. Battling the likes of Mike Quackenbush and Tursas, Ant has become an underdog in CHIKARA. I was recently able to catch up with Green Ant and discuss a variety of topics!
Rallo: First off, I'd like to thank you for the time to conduct this interview. I would like to start off simple by asking, what motivated you to be a part of the wrestling business? Who were major influences in your life in and outside of the ring that motivated you to carry on this profession? Had there been any particular wrestling styles or wrestlers you saw that inspired you to go forward with your moveset? Where did it all begin for you?
green ant,
i want wrestling,
indy wrestling,
king of trios,
Sunday, September 18, 2011
What Happened to the Hardys?
When I was a kid in the 80’s I watched wrestling religiously. In high school I grew away from it. One night however in the late 90’s I landed on the station playing RAW and I saw these two guys wearing baggy cargo pants and that initial image made me stop and watch. They were different. Of course we are talking about Matt and Jeff Hardy.
The Hardy’s drew tons of money in the 2000’s and were over like Austin and Rock. I have always been a wrestling fan and always pretended to wrestle on my trampoline as a kid but the Hardy’s made me want get into the business for real. They were from North Carolina like me, and they were about my size, so I said if they can do it then so could I. Call me a mark if you must. I tried out for the first season of Tough Enough and as luck would have it I was selected as one of the cast members. We met a lot of the big names during that experience. We walked in one day and saw 2 ladders standing on the ring and on the ladders were Jeff, Matt, and Lita. When I told them I was from NC, Matt called me “Carolina Blood” and that felt pretty cool to have something in common with those guys that nobody else in the room could claim.
chris kaliber,
cm punk,
drug policy,
Jeff Hardy,
john cena,
matt hardy,
tna wrestling,
tough enough,
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
WWE/TNA Tales: The Rise and Fall of Jeff Hardy and Other Sombre Cases

Hall was a longtime alcoholic and at times, WCW would allow Hall to wrestle intoxicated. Despite the fact that it ruined Hall's marriage to his wife Dana, Eric Bischoff and WCW Management allowed Hall to continue his destructive antics.
The angle disgusted thousands of fans to a point where his wife Dana wrote a letter about Scott and his employer.
Flowing with emotion and anger, Dana pleaded with WCW to end this angle and claimed that Scott’s alcoholism ruined their marriage, future, and future with his kids.
Dana asked that Scott’s friends help him overcome his addiction for the sake of their kids.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
NexGen Interviews: A Very In Depth Talk with Longtime Indy Veteran, Damian Dragon
All over the world, there are many wrestlers who have unlimited talent, who never receive quite the amount of exposure, they deserve. One of those men, Damian Dragon. Being a 15+ year veteran all over the Indy wrestling scene, Dragon brings a unique in ring style that never disappoints his viewing public. Dragon is a decorated champion and is a current reigning tag team champion, in, Fusion DS.
Recently, I was able to talk to Mr. Dragon on a variety of topics. Dragon made sure to express all his feelings in this very in depth conversation. He talks about independent wrestlers in the PWI, tag team wrestling, and so much more. Whether you know of him and his underrated legacy or you are reading of him for the first time, you will not regret reading this interview. Dragon is a very entertaining star with much to look back on and smile about. Once again, I hope you enjoy this interview as much as myself and Damian did!
Rallo: First off, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to conduct this interview. My first question is, how did it all begin from, Damian Dragon? Could you give us some insight as to who introduced you to wrestling? Who were your biggest influences in and outside of the ring? Who were your biggest supporters in life to pursue this career and at what moment did you believe that this was the right career choice for you? Did your family support this or was this a dream your pursued on your own?
damian dragon,
fusion ds,
indy wrestling,
pro wrestling,
ricky steamboat,
ring of honor,
tag team,
top 500,
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Rebuilding the Frontier: How to Make Impact Wrestling a Competitive Promotion
In the words of the legendary, Vladimir Kozlov, "I want competition," (Imagine it in a Russian tone where your not 100% what the last word was). Following this week's edition of, Raw, I have learned that the WWE product is not, "cool again," but at its stalest in months. What's worse? They gave us no reason to watch the WWE, with the ratings juggernaut, Monday Night Football, coming back next week. Essentially, unless WWE makes the next few weeks their most captivating in over a decade, they will be crushed in the ratings.
Why should we care about WWE? There is no good way to go about the CM Punk/Nash/Triple H saga, because there is no surprising outcome that could possibly happen. We've gone down every single possibility, and all are predictable and stale. The NWO reunion idea, especially makes me cringe. Honestly, if anyone wants to see the NWO in WWE or another power struggle angle, you are a hypocrite. If you complain about it in, TNA, but not, WWE, you are a hypocrite. Sorry to break it to anyone. Continuing on....
Why should we care about WWE? There is no good way to go about the CM Punk/Nash/Triple H saga, because there is no surprising outcome that could possibly happen. We've gone down every single possibility, and all are predictable and stale. The NWO reunion idea, especially makes me cringe. Honestly, if anyone wants to see the NWO in WWE or another power struggle angle, you are a hypocrite. If you complain about it in, TNA, but not, WWE, you are a hypocrite. Sorry to break it to anyone. Continuing on....
aj styles,
austin aries,
dixie carter,
eric bischoff,
hulk hogan,
john cena,
monday night wars,
samoa joe,
spike tv,
tag teams,
x division
Monday, September 5, 2011
Exclusive Interview: Johnny Gargano Talks Untouchable 2011, Davey Richards Match, DGUSA, and More!
With DGUSA in full throttle, Untouchable 2011, is shaping up to be one very exciting iPPV. DGUSA is providing one helluva weekend from September 9th to September 11th, from Indianapolis, Chicago, and Milwaukee, wrestling fans alike can see some of the best action out there. One of the marquee talents who will be featured on the show, is one of the fastest rising stars in North America, Johnny Gargano.
Gargano has been on the wrestling scene for a few years now, and has been part of many of the most exciting matches in all the promotions he has been a part of. A former PWO Champion as well as a very highly regarded star in AIW, Gargano brings intensity and passion to his craft.
I was lucky enough to get to talk to Gargano about many topics of his career. From working in Japan, aspirations for the future, and his upcoming big weekend for Dragon Gate, Gargano tells all in a very good interview. Hope you enjoy!
Gargano has been on the wrestling scene for a few years now, and has been part of many of the most exciting matches in all the promotions he has been a part of. A former PWO Champion as well as a very highly regarded star in AIW, Gargano brings intensity and passion to his craft.
I was lucky enough to get to talk to Gargano about many topics of his career. From working in Japan, aspirations for the future, and his upcoming big weekend for Dragon Gate, Gargano tells all in a very good interview. Hope you enjoy!
johnny gargano,
untouchable 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Unity: The Necessities of Building Success in Tag Teams
Welcome to the first true, analysis piece for, The Sharp Shooter Press. Something I've always felt was very imperative to the wile world of , Pro Wrestling, is a simple tactic known as, variety. Wrestling fans can not be exposed to the same thing continuously over and over, otherwise, the product becomes stale. In, 2011, wrestling fans all over the world, who tune into the mainstream product, seem to lack variety in regards to the, in ring product.
Over the years, WWE has provided so many types of matches that offer individualism, different ways to progress storylines, and to entertain the fans in more ways than the basic one on one match. All over the world, different gimmick matches do help develop different companies. For example, CHIKARA presents the King of Trios, a tournament for all six man tag team matches; something we do not see in WWE as prominently. Other companies pride themselves on all different kinds of matches, but one of the core match types that has really seemed forgotten in, WWE, is the tag team division.
Over the years, WWE has provided so many types of matches that offer individualism, different ways to progress storylines, and to entertain the fans in more ways than the basic one on one match. All over the world, different gimmick matches do help develop different companies. For example, CHIKARA presents the King of Trios, a tournament for all six man tag team matches; something we do not see in WWE as prominently. Other companies pride themselves on all different kinds of matches, but one of the core match types that has really seemed forgotten in, WWE, is the tag team division.
i want wrestling,
johnny ace,
shawn michaels,
tag teams,
triple h,
vince mcmahon,
Friday, September 2, 2011
Exclusive Interview: Zack Gowen Talks Path to Sobriety, JCW, WWE Experiences, and More!
Throughout the years, Pro Wrestlers have been defined as some of the best athletes in the world today. Pro Wrestling is also home to some of the most controversial news as well as some of the best feel good stories in the history of sports. One of those feel good stories is the, one legged sensation, Zack Gowen.
Growing up as a wrestling fan, Gowen seemed to be just like any other fan, except for one thing; his cancer that caused his leg to be amputated at age, 8. No matter, Gowen went onwards with his dreams in full throttle and became a WWE Superstar at age, 20. Zack's life is not short of rough patches, but he has come over each and every one to become one of the most inspirational wrestlers of all time. The one legged wrestler has proved anything is possible and I was able to catch up with Zack for a few questions. Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did, conducting it.
Rallo: First off, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to do this interview, my first question I'd like to ask is, where did this passion for Professional Wrestling begin? Could you tell us of when you really started taking an interest in Pro Wrestling as well as when you really decided this was a career you wanted to pursue? Wrestlers do seem to watch from a younger age, but when you had your leg amputated at age 8, an age that wrestlers ordinarily may start watching, did you feel it was something you still wanted to pursue or something you'd rather just watch than take part of? Did your passion to become a wrestler grow since that tragic event? Also, who were some of your biggest inspirations in and outside of the ring?
Growing up as a wrestling fan, Gowen seemed to be just like any other fan, except for one thing; his cancer that caused his leg to be amputated at age, 8. No matter, Gowen went onwards with his dreams in full throttle and became a WWE Superstar at age, 20. Zack's life is not short of rough patches, but he has come over each and every one to become one of the most inspirational wrestlers of all time. The one legged wrestler has proved anything is possible and I was able to catch up with Zack for a few questions. Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did, conducting it.
Rallo: First off, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to do this interview, my first question I'd like to ask is, where did this passion for Professional Wrestling begin? Could you tell us of when you really started taking an interest in Pro Wrestling as well as when you really decided this was a career you wanted to pursue? Wrestlers do seem to watch from a younger age, but when you had your leg amputated at age 8, an age that wrestlers ordinarily may start watching, did you feel it was something you still wanted to pursue or something you'd rather just watch than take part of? Did your passion to become a wrestler grow since that tragic event? Also, who were some of your biggest inspirations in and outside of the ring?
big show,
brock lesnar,
hulk hogan,
indy wrestling,
one legged,
pro wrestling,
zack gowen
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Exclusive Interview: Eric Watts Talks Tough Enough, Andy Leavine, Where he is Now and More!
This past season on the newest edition of, Tough Enough, one of the most impressive looking names was one, Eric Watts. Watts made it through six weeks on the show. Being known for his flashes of brilliance and impressiveness, Watts came up short due to his poor conditioning upon arrival.
The other day, I was able to talk to, Eric Watts about his experiences on, Tough Enough, as well as his humble beginnings and what he's been up to since this season of, Tough Enough had come to an end. Watts certainly has shown signs of promise and I hope you enjoy this interview!
Rallo: First off, I'd like to thank you for taking time to do this interview. My first question is, when did you decide Pro Wrestling was what you wanted to do for a living? Where there any wrestlers you grew up watching that inspired you? Who? Also, in terms of pursuing your dream, did you have many doubters or many supporters? If so, who?
The other day, I was able to talk to, Eric Watts about his experiences on, Tough Enough, as well as his humble beginnings and what he's been up to since this season of, Tough Enough had come to an end. Watts certainly has shown signs of promise and I hope you enjoy this interview!
Rallo: First off, I'd like to thank you for taking time to do this interview. My first question is, when did you decide Pro Wrestling was what you wanted to do for a living? Where there any wrestlers you grew up watching that inspired you? Who? Also, in terms of pursuing your dream, did you have many doubters or many supporters? If so, who?
bill demott,
booker t,
eric watts,
i want wrestling,
indy wrestling,
steve austin,
tough enough,
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