TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Kurt Angle (c) vs Bobby Roode Street Fight: Hulk Hogan vs Sting
I Quit Match: AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels
Full Metal Mayhem: Rob Van Dam vs Jerry Lynn
Falls Count Anywhere: Bully Ray vs Mr. Anderson
Triple Threat: Samoa Joe vs Matt Morgan vs Crimson
X Division Championship: Austin Aries (c) vs Brian Kendrick Knockouts Championship: Winter (c) vs Velvet Sky vs Mickie James vs Madison Rayne
Tag Team Championships: Mexican America (c) vs Ink Inc
Read my preview for the event here
Pre-Show Bout: Tag Team Championships: Mexican America vs Ink Inc
Rallo's Recap: Well due to school commitments and preparing before Bound for Glory officially goes live on PPV, I will not be able to cover this match up....I bet you all were just dying to here my thoughts on this bout. Before the end of the night, I will write up more details on the match, but I can not really give play by play this early yet. I will be back at 8pm for the event and will provide the top notch news and analysis you all know and love.....If you care so much, I say Mexican America sadly goes over here....*shrugs*
Mexican America retains in what was reported to be a throwaway opening bout.
Bound for Glory:
Mike Tenay and Taz open the show with their usual PPV hype and the opening bout is...
X Division Championship: Austin Aries (c) vs Brian Kendrick
God, what is Kendrick wearing? Anways the match starts very back and forth until Kendrick takes charge with some high flying and a monkey flip. Aries finally takes control and slows the pace and slams Kendrick and hits a senton followed by a flying elbow. Two count after pinfall attempt. Aries beats on Kendrick with an upper cut to take him down and fails at another pinfall attempt. Aries continuous the beatdown as the crowd seemingly cheers him on (my audio is awful, my apologies). Aries "Shhhhes" the crowd and then kicks Kendrick between the shoulder blades and gets him into a submission hold. Kendrick breaks out with some punches, but Aries hits him with an STO to take him back down. Aries plays with the crowd and they are going crazy for him.
Kendrick kicks him, and rollls him up. Two count. Kendrick now in control with a series of drop kicks. Kendrick now in full control and goes to the top rope, jumps over Aries, but Aries catches him into a backbreaker. Another failed pinfall attempt afterward. Aries then goes for a drop kick to Kendrick against the turnbucks, but fails. Kendrick hits a move from the top and fails another pinfall attempt. Kendrick fails after going for Sliced Bread and flies out of the ring. Aries then hits a suicide dive to Kendrick outside of the ring. Both men are on the outside and Aries throws him in. Aries puts Kenrick in the turnbuckle and hits the drop kick into the corner. Aries lifts him up, Kendrick reverses and goes to pinfall. Kendrick goes for Sliced Bread but fails. Now both men are on the top rope and Brian Kendrick hits the Sliced Bread from the TOP ROPE. Kendrick goes for the pinfall, but Aries grabs the ropes. Crowd is going crazy. Kendrick goes for Sliced Bread on the apron, but Aries reverses.
Aries now in control, kicks Kendrick into the turnbuckle. Hits another dropkick into the corner and then hits his finisher for the victory. Aries wins and holds the title up to the crowd.
Rallo's Recap: Very, very entertaining match by Kendrick and Aries. The crowd is very into it, as Philly always has a great crowd. Kendrick hit some awesome moves, including Sliced Bread from the top rope. Very great match up. Worth watching. My only complaint is that I rather would have seen this match in a different part of the card, opposed to the opening bout. Nonetheless, awesome match between the two men.
Back to a backstage segment....Karen Angle walks in on Traci Brooks and some kids. I apologize....my audio is awful, so I have no clue what is going on. I did hear that Karen will referee the Knockouts match and Traci will have to stay backstage and not interfere.
Full Metal Mayhem: RVD vs Jerry Lynn
Very early for this match up, if you ask me. Lynn and RVD make their entrances. ECW chants going through the crowd. Both men start off in a series of grappling. RVD takes control with a series of clotheslines and goes for Rolling Thunder quick, but Lynn reverses with a drop kick. Lynn now takes down RVD and Lynn goes to the top rope and goes for tornado DDT, but RVD reverses. Both men stand off in the ring and then go back and forth with punches. RVD hits a leg drop off the ring apron. Fans very hot for RVD. Both men on the outside. RVD takes Lynn and tries to Irish Whip him, but Lynn throws him into the guard rail. RVD goe from the guard rail and moonsaults right into the steel steps.
Lynn takes out a ladder and brings it into the ring. RVD goes under the ring apron and brings out a chair, but as RVD gets up, Lynn hits a sliding dropkick from in the ring to the ladder, which nails RVD on the outside. Lynn brings RVD into the ring with the chair. Lynn now takes up RVD and throws him into the corner. RVD reverses and springs off the second rope and hits a cross body on Lynn on top of the chair. RVD now up with the chair while Lynn is sitting in the corner. RVD drop kicks the chair into Lynn in the corner. RVD now grabs the ladder and puts it in the other corner. He whips Lynn into the ladder and Lynn lies mid ring with the ladder on top of him, RVD hits rolling thunder....and my stream goes crappy.
Stream comes back and Lynn supposedly took a bad bump. RVD goes for Vandaminator and Lynn hit a disgusting chair shot to RVD's face. That is far too old. Lynn attempts a suplex to a chair, but RVD reverses with a suplex of his own into the ladder. ECW chants still going and RD hits a moonsault to the ladder on Lynn and goes for a pinfall. RVD now has the ladder and sets it down while Lynn gets away from RVD and takes out another ladder and puts it on the guard rail. Lynn slips RVD on the apron and now both men are on the apron. RVD gets Lynn in the ring. RVD grabs Lynn and tries to suplex Lynn on the ladder outside, but Lynn reverses and hits a sunset powerbomb to RVD which puts both men through the ladder. Lynn now tosses RVD in and Lynn tries to pin RVD, but he kicks out.
Lynn is frustrated. Lynn has the chair and as RVD gets up, Lynn swings and misses, as RVD hits the Vandaminator. RVD goes for the pinfall to no avail. RVD now has Lynn in the corner and sets the ladder against him. Crowd goes wild and RVD goes to the top rope with a steel chair in hand. RVD nails it from one turnbuckle to another and destroys Lynn. "Holy Shit" cheers running through the arena. RVD goes for the pinfall and gets it for three.
Both men shake hands and hug in the ring apparently.
Winner: Rob Van Dam via pinfall
Rallo's recap: I thought they ahted each other and they hug at the end? Also, I thought Full Metal Mayhem was a ladder match, not just a match including ladders. Also, I hate the chair shots to the face as it causes serious injuries to the head. Lynn took one Hell of a beating as did, RVD. The finish was pretty intense and extreme. Very good extreme encounter that was placed wrongly on the card. Good match between the two, as they always perform well. However, some things here were very confusing.
Samoa Joe vs Crimson vs Matt Morgan
Joe comes in first to a pretty good reaction. Also, before I forget. TNA's set up looks very good, as always. Morgan is next to a quieter reaction than Joe, which shouldn't be the case....Oh well. Now here comes Crimson to a similar reaction to Morgan. Tenay continues to hype up the winning streak that nobody cares about. Bell rings and both faces look at Joe, as the crowd chants for Joe. Crimson and Morgan team on Joe and the crowd booes the two babyfaces. Taz brought up that Crimson and Morgan were wearing the same color tights and thought it was coincidence. Funny. Joe reverses on Crimson and jabs him several times in the corner. After, Morgan and Crimson double team on Joe, and Crimson runs to take down Joe, but Joe gets him out of the ring and sweeps down Morgan.
Joe and Morgan now in the ring and Joe beats on Morgan until Morgan takes down Joe, but Crimson slides in to try for the pin and fails. Morgan is upset with Crimson. Joe takes out Morgan and throws Crimson outside on to Morgan. Crowd loves Joe. Joe now goes and hits the suicide dive to Morgan. All three men on the outside. Matt Morgan now goes to the top and hits a cross body to Crimson, as Joe slides out of the way. Wow. Joe now throws Crimson into the ring and goes for the pinfall a few times and fails. Joe kicks around Crimson and chops him up. Joe continuous with a good amount of strikes, but Crimson reverses and takes control. Morgan slides in to try and pin Joe. Morgan and Crimson now stare each other down as Joe gets to his feet. Joe attacks them and gets hit by the double team. Crimson and Morgan now go at it after trying to get pinfalls on Joe. Joe slides out and both men go at it. Morgan and Crimson go back and forth with strikes.
Joe then gets Morgan out of the ring and throws him into the guard rail. He then took down Crimson and is int eh ring with him. Joe tosses him in the corner and hits the enziguri. Joe then puts him to the top for the Muscle Buster, but Morgan kicks Crimson off. Morgan tries to hit the Carbon footprint, but fails. Crimson hits a spear on Joe, while Morgan is in the corner. Crimson pins Joe and wins.
Winner: Crimson
Rallo's Recap: Decent big man match. It seemed sloppy at the end, but they all worked hard. Joe was the workhorse in the match and the crowd was very behind him. It isn't good when your two faces are booed and the heel was cheered. Nonetheless, I didn't like the finish, but all three men did a decent enough job. Props to Morgan for the cross body from the top as well. Good stuff, nothing special though.
Back to Borash, but Bully Ray walks in and cuts a promo on Anderson. Ray pulls off a great promo on Anderson and admits that he was "exploiting this city for 15 years and milking them for every cent they were worth." Ray says he took advantage of the fans and then says he'll beat Anderson and screw Philadelphia, he's from NYC.
Rallo's Recap: AWESOME. TNA needed to make Ray a heel in his hometown and he made the Philly crowd hate him to perfection. Ray is awesome on the mic and I look froward to this match up.
Falls Count Anywhere: Bully Ray v Mr. Anderson
Ray in first to a series of booes, Anderson next to not a huge reaction and sprints in to fight Ray. Match starts and Anderson is in control early with a low blow until Ray hits a big boot to knock down Anderson. Ray gets booed, which is amazing considering they are in Philly. That promo did him wonders. Ray picks up Anderson and throws him in the corner and hits his vintage chops. Ray then takes him in another corner and chops him again. Sounds painful. Ray does it again and Anderson looks winded. However, Anderson hits a nice kick to Ray and fails at getting the pinfall. Anderson then goes outside and takes an "Asshole" sign and holds it up in the ring. He nails Ray right on the head with it.....Turns out the sign was a "Dead End" sign wrapped up. Funny.
Ray now on the outside as is Anderson. Anderson is in control and throws a fan's beer into his face. Anderson then hits Ray with some punches in the corner and throws him into the rail again. Anderson tosses Ray into a chair and tries to whip Ray again, but he throws him into the steel steps and goes for the pinfall, but to no avail. Ray takes out a table to a very big pop by the crowd. ECW chant. Anderson does get control after Ray sets up the table. Both men are fighting on the stage of the entrance ramp. Anderson can't lift him for a suplex, but Ray hits his own on to the stage and goes for the pinfall. Ray then gets up and is cut open. Ray calls for the mic and it comes down. Ray then introduces himself from New York City, but Anderson gets control and says "Welcome to Philly, b*tch" and hits Ray with the mic and goes for the pinfall.
Both men are now fighting in the back, with Ray in control. Ray now has a pipe of sorts and wacks Anderson with it and then hits a piledriver to the concrete on the outside. Ray goes for the pinfall, but Anderson kicks out. Ray is flipping out and starts to choke Ken with a chair. He takes Anderson up and brings him back out to the stage. Both men now go back and forth with some punches. Anderson gets the advantage and hits down Ray. They are now in front of the Spanish announce commentary table, as Anderson hits a low blow on Ray. Ray is now up and Anderson brings Ray over the guard rail and back towards the ring. Ray slides in the ring and Anderson hits Ray. Anderson now grabs the guard rail and throws it into the ring. Both men in the ring and Ray takes him down. Ray goes outside and grabs another table and throws it in the ring and sets it up.
Ray waits for Anderson to get up and as he runs to Anderson, Anderson lifts him and Ray lands on the steel guard rail. He then goes to the top rope and goes for a senton, but fails and lands in the ring. Ray then hits a Full Nelson powerbomb through the table and goes for the pinfall, but fails. Ray is livid and grabs the steel rail. Fans cheer for Anderson. He brings up Anderson and puts him on the rail, proceeds to the top and jumps, but Anderson rolls out of the way. Anderson then hits the mic check on the rail and Ray kicks out. Both men are opened up. "This is Awesome" chants. Both men are on the outside and Anderson grabs a trash can. He hits Ray on the head with it and Ray goes on the table Anderson then goes to the top rope and misses a senton on Ray on the table....Seems like a botch. Either way, Anderson hits the mic check on Ray through the table for the win.
Winner: Mr. Anderson
Rallo's Recap: Awesome brawl with a botched finish. However, both men intervened well with the Mic Check finish. Ray wwas awesome as a heel in his home territory, which helped the fans get behind Anderson. Another very good, intense brawl for the ECW audience of Philly. This has been a very good brawl as Anderson stands tall. This one was worth watching again as the master of brawls, Bully Ray pulls through again. Anderson performed far above my expectations.
Backstage Eric Bischoff is backstage with his referee son. He tells his son that Hogan needs to win and he also says Sting needs to be gone forever after tonight and the match will be ugly. His son says he has Eric's back and that he has him covered. Bischoff tells his son that "tonight is the night" and hug. Oh, boy. To make things even dumber, Taz and Tenay act as if they didn't now the ref was Eric's son.
Kockout's Title Match: Winter (c) vs Mickie James vs Velvet Sky vs Madison Rayne
Velvet is out to a pretty good pop. Still love her entrance. Madison Rayne out to zero reaction. Mickie James out next with her stupid country music gimmick to a mixed reaction. Winter is out last with Angelina Love to decent heat. Winter is sporting some gothic bird feather jacket....I don't know. She was hotter when she had Angelina be her brainwashed slave....but that's just my opinion. Karen Jarrett out next as the special referee....Nice skimpy, ref outfit. Rayne sucks up to Karen. Bell rings and apparently opponents need to be tagged in? Ugh.Winter and Mickie start out. Winter starts off with a submission armbar to Mickie James. Winter knocks down James after she gets up and then throws her into the turnbuckle. Winter tosses Mickie into the turnbuckle again, but Mickie reverses and eventually hits a neckbreaker that takes Winter out of the ring.
Rayne gets into the match and takes down Mickie James. Karen cheers on Madison as Mickie complains as if she didn't expect this. Sky in and hits a faceplant bulldog to Rayne, but Karen doesn't count. Rayne takes down Velvet and goes for the pin, but Winter breaks it up. Rayne and Winter are upset at each other and Karen tries to make peace. Rayne and Winter tag Velvet and Mickie. Sky and James shake hands and go at it. Sky rolls up Mickie, but Karen won't count. James rolls up Velvet, but Jarrett won't count. Both women yell at Karen and continue to wrestle. Mickie takes down Velvet with a drop kick. James takes Rayne off the apron with a punch. Sky takes control of James with a series of kicks and a headscissors takeover. Sky knocks down Winter and Mickie takes control. Sky and James go back and forth, but Winter takes out Sky on the outside and assaults her. Angelina Love joins in.
Winter throws Sky back in. Rayne and Winter are still in. Taz even admits Karen's involvement has been annoying now. James kicks Rayne in the corner and Sky is thrown out by Winter. Winter now has Mickie and picks her up, but James reverses and assaults Winter in the corner until Karen breaks it up. Love hands Winter something, didn't catch it. Mickie continues to hit Winter in the corner as Sky is now on the apron. Winter sprays blood at Mickie, but it misses and hits Karen. Mickie hits a DDT on Winter but there is no one to count. Traci Brooks runs in. Velvet hits Rayne with a DDT and Traci counts to three, so I guess Velvet Sky wins.
Winner: Velvet Sky
Rallo's Recap: That was stupid. From the blood spewing to the unfairness of Karen Jarrett, it was obvious that Velvet Sky was going to win. How did Traci become referee? The action was nothing special, and it seemed far too overbooked, but that;s the first mishap of the night. Let's hope it stays minimal.
Kazarian talks about Bobby Roode to Borash. Kaz also comments on AJ vs Daniels and says he is torn as to what to think in terms of Daniels' recent behavior.
I Quit Match: Christopher Daniels vs AJ Styles
Before I continue, I have to commend TNA on all the awesome video packages before every match. These are awesome and TNA's production team did a fantastic job making each one unique. Love it!
Daniels is out first. AJ Styles out next to a new remix of his music, and he is very over with the crowd.
Both men go at it quickly with Daniels in control and asks AJ to quit. AJ then takes control and grabs the mic and asks Daniels "Why don't you suck d**k?" Um, okay? AJ submits Daniels again and Daniels refuses to quit. Styles for the tird time has Daniels in an abdominal stretch, but Daniels hip tosses him over. AJ quickly back in control and lifts up Daniels and knocks him down. Styles then hits a backwards chinlock on Daniels. Daniels breaks it and kicks AJ and AJ reverses quickly for an armbar, but Daniels bites him and gains control with a series of chops. AJ hits a dropkick on Daniels and knocks him out of the ring. Styles then flies over the ropes and hits Daniels on the outside. "TNA" chants.
Daniels then goes under the ring and grabs some sort of toolbox with a chain and hits Styles. He then hits Styles with some headbutts and grabs a screwdriver and tries to stab AJ with it. Abdullah the Butcher? Both men now up and AJ knocks down Daniels and both men are on the apron. Daniels kicks AJ and he suplexes him outside of the ring. The screwdriver is apparently planted in the turnbuckle. Both men are on the outside and Daniels tries to get AJ to quit. Daniels throws AJ in the ring and tosses him up over the shoulder with a back body drop. Daniels then has AJ in a Camel Clutch and tries to get him to submit. Daniels lets go an Daniels hits the BME on Styles after saying he would make AJ quit. Daniels boasts to the crowd. Daniels now has AJ in the Boston Crab. AJ sounds like he's crying but says he won't quit.
Styles gets out and hits some chops on Daniels, Daniels reverses and hits a backbreaker. Crowd is really behind AJ here. Daniels looks frustrated and goes to the outside. He grabs a steel chair. Fallen Angel chants setting in, making it a mixed reaction. Daniels out the chair over AJ and sits down. He then gets on the mic and says he's been dreaming about making AJ quit and says everything AJ had in TNA should have been his. He says he's going to rectify it. He also says he never wanted AJ to say "I Quit," but he rather have bashed his brains in the ring. Daniels says he'll tell AJ's wife that his last words were "I love you." He then talks to the TV to AJ's wife and Daniels to take his kids away from the TV. AJ gets back up and is in control with a series of offense on Daniels. Styles strikes Daniels and Daniels is down. Styles goes to the top and hits a flying forearm. He then goes for the Styles Clash but Daniels reverses and misses for the BME. Daniels yelles "Die AJ" but Styles hits a Styles Clash.
He picks up a chair but throws it down and takes out the screwdriver. Daniels backs into the corner and Daniels yells I Quit. Daniels sprints out....Styles wins....
Winner: AJ Styles.
Rallo's Recap: A screwdriver scared him to death like that?Then he sprinted out? Even Taz was confused as to what happened there. Hopefully it's a part of Daniels smart character and not his chickensh*t heel character. I didn't like the finish, but I enjoyed the wrestling. I also wasn't a fan of the "Die AJ" and personal murder comments. It was too far for wrestling, despire how personal the show is supposed to do.
After the match, AJ is on the ramp and Daniels runs out and assaults him. Daniels then yells "He never beat me." and leaves.
Rallo's Recap: I stand corrected. Daniels looks better then he did if he just ran off and this means the feud is far from over. I have changed my mind on the match, as it just means there is more to come. The murder was way too far and disgusting, but the wrestling seemed very entertaining. Again, the murder crap was not necessary.
Jeff Jarrett is now walking out to the ring to some booes. He is in his street clothes and grabs the microphone. He talks about how nobody wants to have Jeff Hardy in TNA....Apparently hasn't heard Hulk's latest interview. Jarrett says the audience wants nothing to do with him either. Jarrett says he and Karen talked to the fans outside today and they said they didn't want to see Jeff in TNA again. Jeff says he is keeping Jeff out for the organization. He then calls out Jeff Hardy and says, "Nero, I'm calling you out b*tch" and says he's taking Hardy out of this company tonight. Jeff Hardy enters to a good portion of heat and new theme music.
Tenay and Taz say he's gotten a mixed reaction....sounds straight forward to me. 80% hate, 20% cheers. Hardy has a mic and says he has one thing to say to Jeff and kicks him. The two now are brawling back and forth and Jarrett takes control. Hardy tosses Jarrett into the turnbuckle and security hits the ring to separate the two men. The two bust through security and brawl, but keep getting held back by more security. Typical TNA. Jeff busts through again and both men are in a corner. Fans are booing the crap out of this. For the third time, Hardy pounces, but to no avail. Security finally takes Jarrett away and yells how no one wants Hardy here. Hardy gets a good amount of boos as his music goes off and he poses for the crowd.
Rallo's Recap: Fans were more open to Hardy after the brawl, but not by much. This segment really did not do all that much for Hardy or Jarrett, besides stating these two will be feuding next. This wasn't a big time PPV promo at all. I especially hate the security run ins. They are far overdone and uninteresting. Nobody likes these losers holding back these muscular super heros....What if security stopped Joker and Batman from an encounter? Jeez. Hulk Hogan and Sting is up next.
Sting fights Hulk Hogan
Hulk Hogan is introduced first and gets a pretty mixed reaction. Hulk walks out with his arms taped up. Dixie Carter is in the audience for this one. Glad she's here for this match and nothing else that has taken place tonight....Sheesh. Sting gets mostly cheers, but some boos were heard. Sting is sporting a Hulkamania t shirt. Sting poses for the crowd, removes his jacket, and the bell goes off. Crowd seems somewhat into it. The fight starts with Hogan trying to throw jabs, but Sting avoids them. Hogan the stops and calls out Ric Flair, who gets a massive pop. However, the age of these three guys together has to be close up to 200....Sheesh. Flair walks down to the ring and shakes Hogan's hand. Flair is now at ring side....Let's keep this short. Dixie has her same old dumbfounded, idiotic, stupid face.
Hogan and Sting now go at it and Sting has a headlock on Hogan....a long one at that. Hogan tosses Sting to the ground, throws the bandanna at him and Hulks up in the face of Sting. Fans go wild for the Hulk up. He puts Sting in a headlock, but Sting breaks it and Hogan clotheslines him down again and the fans are going wild for the Hulkster. Sting is now on the outside and quickly goes in. Hulk hits Sting and Sting goes down. He hits the back rake on Sting and does it again. He throws a punch and Sting goes down. Sting is tossed to the outside and Flair starts choking and chopping Sting on the outside and then hits a low blow. Hogan hits another low blow to Sting....Sting's nuts are gonna be sore after this. Hogan smashes Sting against the guard rail and hits a series of chops. He then starts biting on Sting's head, I suppose, and Sting goes in the ring.
Flair hands Hogan something and Hogan hits Sting with it...It was supposedly a spike. He drills it into Sting ont he outside of the ring. Sting is cut open and tossed back into the ring. Both men are up until Hogan punches him back down and mocks Sting. Sting finally gets some offense with some punches and knocks Hogan on his back. Dixie, looking clueless as ever, cheers on the guy who threatened her a year ago. Sting is now on the outside beating on Flair in this senior citizens brawl. Sting took the spike and hit Hogan in the head with it. Hogan's face is cut open. Sting continues to kick him in the ring and splashes Hogan in the corner. He then hits Flair off the apron and hits another "Stinger Splash." He then is going for the Scorpion Deathlock and Hogan taps out. Flair runs in and beats on Sting. Immortal is now running out.
Immortal beats Sting over and over with a chair and we get a shot of Abyss in the back.Bischoff goes for a chair shot, but his son takes it from him. Bully Ray grabs his son, and Eric hits his son in the back with a chair. Flair continues to beat on Sting in the corner as does Bully Ray. Steiner hits a chair shot. Sting is asking Hulk Hogan for help from Immortal. Fans are cheering for Hogan and Hogan is hulking up. He rips his shirt off and takes out Flair, takes out Ray and Steiner and Gunner. Immortal is backing down. Immortal looks confuses and the fans are going crazy. Sting and Hogan are taking on Immortal. Sting splashes Flair and Bischoff, Hogan tosses Gunner out of the ring and Sting and Hogan are together in the ring. Both point at Bischoff and Hogan plays to the crowds noise. Eric is in the corner and Hogan punches Bischoff down to the ground. Dixie apparently loves Hulk now, dumb bit*h. Hogan says "I'm back!" and kicks Bischoff out of the ring.
Sting and Hogan point at each other and then pose to the crowd. The crowd is loving this. Both men then shake hands and Hogan's music goes off. Dixie hugs her weird husband and that's that.
Rallo's Recap: You know what? This went as good as it possibly could. Hogan took some bumps and the match up was short. We knew Sting was going to win and we had a idea Hogan was going to turn face. It was predictable, but they played it out pretty well. The crowd LOVED the face turn and that's probably why I'm not being as harsh as others will be. Don't get me wrong, the match wasn't much, it wasn't supposed to be....However, it was a very cool moment to see once again. The crowd really helped this get over and it was a fun moment. Not 5 star, but fun....Main event time.
TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Kurt Angle (c) vs Bobby Roode
Bobby Roode out first to a decent pop. Kurt Angle out to some pretty good heat. I suppose they are not doing the classic championship in ring introductions, which is a let down. Doesn't feel as special, if you ask me.
Roode and Angle start out. Roode starts in control, and gets Kurt Angle in a crossface, but Angle escapes and leaves the ring. He then goes back and forth with Roode outside of the ring. Roode takes control with a series of punches. Now both men are in the ring and Angle kicks him down. Angle looks hurt, his leg is taped up. Angle slams Roode again. Now Angle puts Roode in the turnbuckle and then hits a snap suplex. Angle now works the midsection as the fans cheer on Bobby Roode. Roode breaks out of it, but Angle regains control and tries to pin Roode. Angle goes back to a reverse gutwrench submission. Fans are cheering for Roode. Roode elbows his way out and hits Angle with a few punches, but Angle reverse and hits three consecutive German suplexes. Angle goes for the pinfall and Roode kicks out. Angle is now stomping on Bobby and goes to the top, but Roode sprints up and tosses Angle all the way across the ring from the top. Angle looks really hurt.
Both men are now on the ground striking back and forth. Both are hitting uppercuts until Roode hits Angle with a series of clotheslines. Roode goes to the top rope and hits Angle from the top rope. Roode goes for the pinfall. Now, Roode chops Angle on the ropes,until Angle is able to hit a belly to belly suplex and goes for the pinfall. Angle then hits a DDT and goes for another pinfall and it doesn't work. Angle drops the straps and waits for Bobby to come up. Kurt goes for the Angle Slam, but Roode hits the spinebuster and attempts a pinfall. Roode goes to the top rope , but Angle goes up and hits a Superplex from the top rope and attempts a pinfall. Angle is up, but Bobby gets Kurt in the crossface. Kurt is locked in the submission and is trying to fight through. Kurt then rolls it around into the Ankle Lock. Wow. Roode looks like he is about to tap and the crowd is hot. Roode turns it back around into the crossface right in the center of the ring. Angle looks like he is going to tap out, but he rolls it over for a pinfall attempt. Roode once again gets the crossface in.
Fans are chanting for Angle to tap out, and Angle rolls it and turns it into an Angle Slam and goes for the pinfall, only to get a two count. Angle goes for another Ankle Lock in the center of the ring and kicks out and hits the Double R spinebuster. He then hits a fisherman suplex and goes for the pinfall. Bobby and Angle chants are taking over and the crowd is heating up. Angle now tries for another Angle Slam and misses. Angle then goes for a low blow on Roode and hits the Angle Slam. The ref goes for the count and Roode kicks out. Angle and Roode work their way back up and he goes for another series of German suplexes. Roode reverses the third suplex and turns it into ANOTHER crossface. Fans are chanting for Angle to tap out. Angle finds his way over to the rope to get out of the hold. Roode now has Angle int he corner and whips him into the corner, but Angle hits a Spear and goes for the pinfall. The crowd is torn. Angle goes once again to the top rope and goes for the top and Roode somehow turns it into the crossface....Angle slips out and Roode goes for the fisherman suplex, but Angle turns it into the Angle Slam and goes for the pinfall. Angle uses the ropes for leverage and gets the pinfall. Roode's arm was also under the rope. Kurt looks hurt, as he limps out and Roode looks frustrated in the ring.
Winner: Kurt Angle
Rall's Recap: I did not like that main event. It was either an Ankle Lock or a Cross Face for 80% of it. The other 20% were Angle Slams and Spinebusters. Come on, that was bad. They tried and maybe Angle's injury played a role in the overall quality, but that was not the classic it should have been between the two men. The match didn't even really have any main event feel to it, as the ring announcements and the crowd seemingly weren't apparent. They riled up toward the end, but half of them were cheering for the heel. The ending was also lame as the main event of a big PPV such as this should not end by the heel champion cheating to retain the title. I had a feeling Angle would go over here, but did not expect it to be in such crappy fashion. It wasn't that good of a match, and it was a sloppy and confusing way to end the PPV, which could ultimately lead to a Bobby Roode heel turn.
The bottom line is that, this show was good from the start but slowly died down. RVD and Jerry Lynn, Bully Ray and Mr. Anderson, as well as Austin Aries and Brian Kendrick all had very, very impressive matches tonight. The Knockouts had a mess of a match up and the triple threat was not anything all that special. Styles and Daniels was well wrestled, but very confusing and questionably booked as well. Hogan and Sting was what it was, a fun moment for the fans in Philly. As for the main event, I was not too big on it. Either way, overall this was a good showing from TNA/IMPACT Wrestling and was something that was passable. Some of these matches were excellent, but the main event really let me down to some degree. I would have also liked to see Full Metal Mayhem and the X Division Match put on later in the card, but oh well...Either way, Bound for Glory 2011 was a pretty good show as a whole, but due to the disappointment of the main event match as well as the AJ Styles vs Daniels match, this show gets a B+ final grade.
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