It was a great match that had storyline, and great participants that made it the final factor in my choice. The teams were mostly even, as the up and coming mid-carder at the time, Kofi Kingston, was taking on one of the top main-eventers, Randy Orton.
It was a huge win for Kofi (or so it seemed), as he pinned CM Punk and Randy Orton, as they were the sole survivors for their team. Team Kingston was made up of Christian, MVP, R-Truth, and Mark Henry, and Team Orton was made up of CM Punk, William Regal, Cody Rhodes, and Ted DiBiase. Kofi was on the rise, getting on Orton's nerves like no one has done before.
It seemed this was Kofi's time, and the WWE proved that by giving him the huge win here. In the end, Kofi is still in the mid-card, but it was still a match with huge implications at the time. It not only surrounded this rivalry, but other ones like CM Punk and R-Truth.
Getting eliminated first was Mark Henry, as help from Legacy gave Orton the advantage for his team with the first pin of the night. Next eliminated was R-Truth, being on the receiving end of a GTS from his current rival at the time, CM Punk, making it 5 on 3 for Team Orton.
Then, Team Orton finally took their first blow, as Ted DiBiase was eliminated with a sunset flip from Christian. Then, the teams were even, as William Regal was eliminated by MVP, after Christian, Kofi, and MVP beat him down.
Team Orton got the upper hand once again, when Cody Rhodes hit the Cross Rhodes on MVP. It was 2 on 3 in favor of Team Orton.
After Rhodes was in the ring for a long time, it finally caught up to him as he was hit with a Killswitch by Christian, after leaping over him and getting turned around for the finish.
Both teams were left with two competitors, perhaps the best wrestlers for their teams. Kofi had two great wrestlers opposing him: CM Punk and Randy Orton, but he had Christian with him...until Christian was eliminated by Orton with an RKO.
How could Kofi possibly win now? As Orton was standing at ringside, he watched CM Punk lock Kingston up in a sit-down pin, but Kofi quickly countered it into a pin of his own, eliminating Punk.
It was now fair with both teams having their captains in s the final survivors. As Orton ran to get right back on the attack, Kofi hit a Trouble and Paradise on Orton, shocking him, and getting the win! It was a win like no other.
Kingston took down main-eventers, in what, in my opinion, was the biggest win of Kofi's career. What also makes it my pick, is that it had veterans like Christian, Mark Henry, CM Punk, MVP (sort of), William Regal, and Randy Orton, while putting Rhodes, DiBiase, R-Truth (even though he's a veteran, it was still good for him at the time), and Kofi in a big-time match.
You can call me crazy for choosing it over matches that had legends like the Rock, Mankind, Hulk Hogan, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Triple H, and John Cena etc. As I was reviewing those classics, this one hit what I was looking for.
Obviously match quality, but being a fan starting 2009, I never forgot that match. I could watch old matches and give you an answer that is generic and bland, looking up responses on Google from people who actually saw the match-up, but I am telling you what I saw.
I hate to make up answers and responses that I don't believe. And look at what this match has produced!
Cody Rhodes is the Intercontinental Champion, Christian won the World Heavyweight Championship twice after this in 2011, Orton has won both World Titles numerous times, Henry has since won his first World Championship in 2011, Kofi Kingston is one-half of the Tag Team Champions, R-Truth made the best heel turn of 2011 and joined up in Team Conspiracy with the Miz, and CM Punk has since won the WWE Championship in 2011.
I think this match tells a good story, as everyone improved greatly, but still put on the best match Survivor Series has seen in this generation. It has a great pace to the match. Every wrestler used their moveset effectively, getting to showcase their skills.
Finishers were hit out of nowhere, and pins were countered for the finish. It also continued the hot-blooded feud between Kingston and Orton. Eventually Kingston would be de-pushed at Orton's expense, but that's a whole other story!
This story however, comes to an end. I hope you enjoyed. Survivor Series has a rich 25 year history that has produced classics making you rewind, pause, and rewind again. What I think may be different from you. But what we all love is the actual PPV itself, Survivor Series. Twenty five years in the books. Twenty five more years of history to be made.
1 comment:
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