I'd like to welcome everyone to the inaugural edition of, "NexGen Interviews." What that is, is a project dedicated to helping out the true up and coming stars of the wrestling industry and giving them some spotlight and exposure as they grow and develop into becoming the next generation of Pro Wrestlers.
The first young man I am going to introduce to the world is one, Alex Avgerinos. A 17 year old athletic young talent who is all over North Carolina territories, "AA2" is a fan favorite amongst every territory he has been in and he did win the Krazy 8 Tournament held in North Carolina, a very prestigious honor for such a young competitor.
Today, I was able to talk to the youngster as he discussed many topics. I hope you enjoy this interview and learn something new about one of the newest young stars in Professional Wrestling today, one, Alex Avgerinos.
Rallo: First off, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to do this interview. My first question is quite simple. For those unaware, tell us a little about where Alex Avgerinos comes from. Also, where does your passion for wrestling come from. Where there any names you watched growing up that inspired you to pursue this career? When deciding to become a wrestler, who did you have as your biggest supporters and or doubters? Were there any important people in your life that helped you especially in terms of your wrestling dream? Who motivated you in and outside of the ring?